Short Bio

Ann Marie Torrez is a 3rd generation California native. Studied at the Academy of Art in San Francisco, Graduated in 1987 with a BA in Illustration


Ann Marie Torrez , Artist's Statement:

I was born in Los Angeles, a 3rd generation Californian. When I was six months old we relocated to the San Francisco Bay Area where my father grew up. I lived there until 2000 when my husband, Jesse and I bought a home in Santa Rosa. I have been very happy living in Sonoma County, and am inspired by the beauty that surrounds me.Creating art has been there for me every day of my life. A way to record the passing of time before my eyes.  Through the drawing a physical feeling about that place as well. Art is to know the experience attached to the image. Absorbing the visual with your whole body. Translating the physical experience to art. Creating the experience of observing through the ink, the paint, the pencil to the paper or canvas. Soon your entire existence is merged into the creation of the art. Imagination and intuition taking over your hand and continuing with no sense of time. You are lost in the state of flow.  The art is moving through me and I try not to stop or disrupt what is moving through me. No particular outcome is in mind, just a wandering of intuition. I let go and breathe to stay in that flow. Following that feeling from moment to moment until the art becomes visible reality all on its own. Then it is finished and it becomes a completed experience.In my life I have done my best to be creatively courageous enough to take risks that have accomplished interesting end results. Art has been an amazing series of experiments with different mediums. I have created with almost every physical traditional art supply and nontraditional things.  I have studied on my own, artists that I am inspired by and have been lucky enough to study with them in the same room. I make art that makes people happy. I am able to creatively capture the essence of the animals and people that I draw or paint. My goal is always to create a positive real life experience for all.I graduated from The Academy of Art College in San Francisco in 1987 with a BA degree in Illustration.

Resume / CV

Art Resume

2022-2023 Started work on two books. One of a trip with family in 1971-1972 to Europe by ship, this project will include Art and Drawings plus collage work done at the time. The other book is about my forty years of life as a horse person, may also include a full color cover and drawings. A third book about teaching art will be based on the many projects I have used to teach art to people of all ages with all the experience that I have. Continuous art portraits of people and animals.

2019-2021 Willowside Middle School Art Teacher, and assistant for two teachers. Students I taught won a full sized billboard award painting at the school. I oversaw the painting of this wall for the school. Mentored many 6th grade artists in their respective classes that included art projects.

2019- Commissioned paintings from digitally altered photography. Two full sized double sided horses paintings on wood for ranch entryway.

2011-2018 Private Art Lessons Monthly by arrangement.  June Riley Street Anniversary, all day art demo with Prismacolor. July Riley Street Art Demo with Prismacolor. July-Petaluma Art & Equestrian Festival, all day marketing animal art. September-Dressage in the Wine Country-all day marketing animal art. October-Exotic Bird Show-Painted Birds all day and marketed my art. 

 2010- July Riley Street Art Demo with Prismacolor, On-going Art lessons with student. Started in a new experimental Gouache & chalk pastel art, sold five commissioned pieces of animal art.

2009-Group Show at Rohnert Park Community Center, Spoke about Artist Trading Cards at Watercolor Artists of Sonoma County WASCO monthly meeting. Self Published book about Artist Trading Cards, Class on Artist Trading Cards at Riley Street, Colored Pencil Class at Riley Street Art Store. 

2008-JPMorgan: Calligraphy of place cards for retirement of managing director of banking, Participated in national Artists Trading Card Swaps, and Creative Art Journaling Swaps. Started doing the Santa Rosa Wednesday Night Market. Did Photo restoration work.

2007-Palomino Magazine (National) Cover & two page article, Participated in national Artists Trading Card Swaps, and Creative Art Journaling Swaps.

2006- Participated in national Artists Trading Card Swaps, and Creative Art Journaling Swaps.

2005- Western States Horse Expo Art Show, Humane Society of Santa Rosa, donated 14 original watercolor painting of shelter animals to Gala, Participated in national Artists Trading Card Swaps, and Creative Art Journaling Swaps.

2004- Western States Horse Expo Art Show, Sonoma County Fair (Best of Show, Medium & 1st Award), Sonoma County Harvest Fair (Award), Gualala Art in the Redwoods (Award), Participated in national Artists Trading Card Swaps, and Creative Art Journaling Swaps.

2003-Western States Horse Expo Art Show, Sonoma County Fair (Award), Sonoma County Harvest Fair (Award). Started art swaps with art journals with other artists around the United States.

2002- Started getting watercolor commissions. Ride Magazine Cover, Horses & Art Magazine Article
2001- Equestrian Connection Magazine: Cover & Article, Visual Aids Art Show New York. 

2000- Relocated from Daly City to Santa Rosa. Continued experimenting with art journaling and watercolor.  Visual Aids Art Show New York. Participated in Equitana Art Show. 

1999-Equestrian Connection Magazine: Cover & Article, Visual Aids Art Show New York.  Produced my first Limited Edition art from an original colored pencil work. Watercolor work started to improve.

1998- Visual Aids Art Show New York, Equitana Art Show, Started designing Brochures and Business cards freelance. Learned to paint on silk. Freelance work for Arthur Court Designs.

1997- Devils Slide Block Party (Art Booth),  All Creatures Great & Small Art Show (Award), Torrefazione Italia Coffee (Art Show),  Café Classic Restaurant (Art Show), Creative International Art Show, Skyline College San Bruno (Newspaper Article Available),  Group Show Torrefazione Italia Coffee.  

1996-No Bypass Block party (Art Booth), Pony Expresso Coffee, hand painted sign 2-sided, created with Adobe Illustrator (photo available) Many freelance animal portraits in colored pencil. 

1995-Coldwell Banker Real Estate Office Art Show Half Moon Bay, Ongoing freelance work in wedding photography and portraiture. Many freelance animal portraits in colored pencil.  Started teaching private lessons in art and creativity.  

1994- CPSA Colored Pencil Art Show, Devils Slide Block Party (Art Booth), Arte Della Strada Sidewalk Art participant, Menlo Atherton School District FundRaiser Invitation design & Designed Cover of Auction Book,  Mission Possible Art Class Curriculum for 2 classes, Art Show of work followed,

1992-Freelance Work Arthur Court Designs, Many freelance animal portraits in colored pencil. Participated in the Society of Illustrators Competition. Article about art published in Science of Mind Magazine. Discovered the book, The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and began the process. Passed the CEBEST test for teachers.

1988- Les Delices Group Art Show, San Francisco, Ongoing freelance work in wedding photography and portraiture. Many freelance animal portraits in colored pencil.

1983-1997 On going freelance work in wedding photography and portraiture. Many freelance animal portraits in colored pencil. Started part time at The Academy of Art.

1982-further back- Designed and constructed many in store displays while working at Longs Drugs. Won a national contest sponsored by Alcon Pharmaceuticals, (photo available) I also did freelance photography including weddings, sporting events and children portraiture.

1970-1971-Lived in Europe for a year with my family. Visited all art museums in Italy, France, England, Germany, Spain, Yugoslavia, and Switzerland. Was immersed in the different cultures of the people there. Kept an art journal for the entire year.